Election Day is here again! I must say I do love Election Day. They should make this a paid holiday. You can truly experience the full range of emotions from exciting to anxiety, filled with joy to plain pissed off. The only other thing that gets me this excited is doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the Mixed Martial Arts School in Columbia Maryland were I train.
It can be very exhausting waiting to see if the candidates you voted for win, especially when you allow yourself to be emotionally invested like I do. For many people this is their big chance to help make a difference that only comes once every couple years.
I always try to do my part (Voting, Boycotting, Protesting) even though often it feels like my efforts are in vain. I honestly think that I would feel worse if I did not even try.
This year I have been more optimistic then I have been in a long time. The polls are showing that many small government candidates have a shot at getting in (both Libertarian and Tea Party type Republican candidates). People who seemingly want to make a difference and not just want to be apart of the old school establishment. I have even seen Democrats running on a Libertarian platform. Of course it will be an up hill battle even if they do win and you never know if they will stay true to their word but there is a huge groundswell in this country supporting small government. It is clear that people are getting sick of the politics in Washington D.C. and this may be our chance to make a difference.
Well my wife and I have already voted so now it’s just a waiting game. I am very anxious to find out the results. Here in Maryland we have a couple big races but it’s always tough. Maryland is almost two to one Democrat so that the fact these races are even close is a miracle. Even most of the Democrats that I know are fed up. So much so that they are either voting Republican or they have said that they are not voting at all. However, I know that that is only anecdotal and not to mention that Baltimore is well known for voter fraud (the dead always vote and Baltimore always goes Democrat).
So I will just wait and see and hope and pray for the best like everyone else.
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