Football season is here again and it has got me thinking a lot about training. I always thought of professional football and other professional sports as seasonal. The football season is only 4 months, with an additional month and a half of training camp and preseason. Then there is another month in the post season for the teams that make it. So do football players really only train for 6 months out of the year… I really doubt it.
Ever since I started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu I have had a new prospective. The Jiu-Jitsu season goes mostly all year long but has its grand finale or “Super Bowl” in early June. In order to be ready for the BJJ Worlds (Mundials) in June you literally need to train all year long. You do things in stages to build yourself up and peak at the end of the year but you are still training. The Brazilian Jiu-Jitu School in Maryland where I train is very competitive. We train very hard all year long and do the smaller BJJ tournaments through out the year to refine our skill. We do this because we know that if we are not someone else is.
I would imagine it is the same way in profession football. Everyone knows that every year new guys are coming into the league to try and take their jobs. You better believe most guys will do everything in there power to prevent that. I am sure there are some guys that just get by on talent but I would bet that those are the guys that don’t last long!
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