I have many issues with Barack Obama’s health care bill. Sure it sounds great to get health care for free, especially since I do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (a full contact sport). The simple fact is that nothing is truly free and there is always the rule of unintended consequences. We must be very careful when giving the government more and more power.
Since this bill has passed many states have filed lawsuits against it. On Monday we received the first ruling, all though only on a motion filed by the Obama administration. The Obama administration filed a motion to dismiss the case but on Monday the federal district court judge denied Obama’s motion.
The interesting thing about this is the judge’s ruling. Judge Henry Hudson basically said that he is pretty certain the congress does not have the authority to mandate Americans buy insurance and penalize anyone who does not.
The problem with that is how the authors of the bill worded it. In most large bills congress adds a clause that says if one part of the law is struck down, other parts remain enforceable. However when the bill was written they chose not to include this clause insisting that the bill would not work without the mandatory insurance. So if this is any indication of how the judge is going to rule the entire bill could be thrown out.
Another interesting thing about this was the argument to dismiss posed by the Obama administration. They actually tried to argue that we should forget about the law because requiring everyone to buy insurance would be a good thing. It doesn’t seem to me like much of an argument for the judge but you never know. Fortunately the judge thought it better to follow the constitution.
Currently there are 21 states and several groups that have filed lawsuits against Obama’s healthcare bill sighting numerous arguments. I’m sure that whatever the verdicts we are in for a long drawn out fight. There will be many appeals and will probably will see a supreme court ruling eventually.
I am hoping we have some resolution before the end of the year when our taxes go up. It would be nice to have some money back for tournaments. However I wouldn’t count on it.
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