About a week ago I posted a quick little blurb referencing the Arizona immigration situation. In view of the recent CBS News Poll I thought I might examine this a little further.
Here in Maryland far removed from either boarder we often don’t pay attention to the problems involved in keeping our country secure. For me training at Crazy 88, over the last couple years I have viewed Arizona as just a place were we send guys to do a BJJ tournament (Arizona Open) as a warm up for the big tournaments. But in fact there is a little war going on at our boarders.
It is necessary to have secure boarders to have sovereignty. Without boarders there is no nation. You cannot enforce laws on people if they can come and go as they please. If the boarders are not secure anything and anyone can come across. Terrorist, murderers, weapons, bombs or military could come across the boarder. Who knows… What we do know is that every day criminals are trafficking everything from drugs to the human slave trade (mostly young women forced into prostitution).
I’m not saying everyone who comes across the boarder illegally is a bad person, but it is illegal entry and regardless of the Arizona law that does make them criminals. The federal law makes it illegal to sneak across the boarder not the Arizona law. The Arizona law only helps to enforce the federal statute.
When I first heard about the AZ law there was a huge backlash from many groups and politicians, including the current administration. They were saying that this law would cause racial profiling and was unconstitutional. It was funny to hear politicians bad mouthing the law and then when asked if they even read the bill admitted that they had not. In fact the bill almost mirrors the federal law. The only way that it is different is in the fact that it specifically forbids racial profiling (unlike the federal law). AZ law enforcement would only be able to ask for immigration status of those already stopped or detained for another reason, and even then would need reasonable suspicion that the person was here illegally (Something other then race). If the person is found to be illegal the police call INS.
So why all of the stink? Well it depends on from whom. Of coarse groups like La Raza (which means "the race") do not like this law. La Raza has stated one of their purposes as to take back land (such as Texas) for Mexico. Also of coarse some politicians would be against the law. Many of them take money from groups like La Raza and many of them are trying to win a huge emerging voting block.
If you were to listen to most mainstream media outlets you would think that most American agree with Obama but ever since the law was passed the polls have been in Arizona’s favor. Now even a CBS poll (which usually leans left) is showing 74% of Americans support the Arizona law (including the 17% that actually thinks Arizona should do more). Hopefully this will help to pull more of the politicians to Arizona’s side, and just maybe finally do something to secure the boarders.
Since all this started many groups have been calling for boycotts of Arizona. I know for sure I will be going AZ this year. Not only will I be going for BJJ and to try to win the AZ Open, but I will be making it a point to spend money and help their economy. I urge everyone not only to do the same (if possible) but also to write their congressmen and loco legislators and push for them to pass similar laws.
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