I love this photo…but on a serious note it seems that the Obama administration won’t rest until anyone who wants can cross our boarder with absolutely no security. Thankfully most Americans do not to agree with him.
While Arizona is fighting in court to protect their new immigration laws from Obama and his cronies others are passing new immigration laws of their own.
The town of Fremont Nebraska has passed a town ordinance that makes it illegal to hire immigrants or from renting homes to them. Similar to what Arizona did, the laws make what is already a federal crime a local crime so that the local police can legally aid the INS. Also similar to the Arizona law, Fremont is being sued to have the laws overturned.
Public sentiment has been strongly in favor of what Arizona has been doing. Recent polls not only show that Americans overwhelmingly support Arizona but have also been showing Obama’s poll numbers going way down. As you can imagine this has Obama and his supporters very worried. They do not want this to catch on. It is being reported that a lot of other states are watching the Arizona court case very closely and have plans to pass similar laws. If Obama can’t turn his poll numbers around he will need the votes from the illegal aliens if he stands any chance of reelection. So expect a strong push to stop Arizona and a push for amnesty.
I am still planning on making a trip to Arizona this year for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament. I know the little bit of money I will be spending there won’t do much for their economy but every little bit helps. I strongly urge anyone who can to do the same. Show your support for Arizona. My school sends people to Arizona every year for tournaments but this will be my first time. I can’t wait! Hopefully by then the lawsuit will be over and have gone in favor of Arizona.
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