Over the last couple of weeks I have been running and Training everyday at
Crazy 88 to try to get ready for the up coming
BJJ tournaments next month. I have a good amount of weight to loose so I have been training very hard. my muscles are wrecked and its getting harder and harder to train. As I said before a close friend of mine says if you want to train like a pro you need to do the ice bath. The ice bath is supposed to completely rejuvenate your muscles to keep you training, so says my friend. Well I did the ice bath... For starters if you have children I suggest doing this before they go to bed. I filled the tub with four bags of ice and cold water. When I tried to get in I found myself shrieking and waking up the kids. All I remember is my wife saying hold still so I can take your picture and I was thinking @#!% $&*. The first 2 minutes were excruciating. I did not think I was going to make it. After the first 2 minutes I spent the next five shivering but it was getting better. After 10 minutes you are numb so its not to bad. Around 13 minutes my legs actually started to get warm as if the water was getting warmer. When I moved around I realized that the water was still insanely cold! At 17 minutes in my skin started to feel like it was burning but I new I was almost done. Finally 20 minutes I quickly got out and dried off. My legs were cold for the next couple of hours and it was hard to get to sleep. Over all it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be but those first few minutes are murder. I was little bit of a wuss though. I was told to sink down to my chest but I only soaked from my waist down. Maybe next time...
When I woke up this morning I must say I do feel incredibly better. My legs are still a little sore (especially my calves and shins) but compared to the last couple days I feel great. I might even do it again tonight or tomorrow depending on how I feel. The things I do for
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