In the news today House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has blocked a bipartisan bill to investigate the cause of the gulf oil spill. Now that the leak has stopped and many have focused on the clean up, congress attempted to pass a bipartisan to find the cause of the leak. Pelosi removed the authorization for an independent investigation (that was passed unanimously in committee) which effectively killed the bill.
Arizona has already filed an appeal to the U.S 9th Circuit Court on Appeals. Arizona's governor has said that she will fight this to the Supreme Court. There are rumors going around that the Supreme Court is planning to expedite the normal process so that the case will not be drawn out over 2 years.
Ford says that July was the best month for their large pick-up trucks since march of '08. Ford has been doing very well since declining to sell there company to Obama. There also seems to be a large decline in the sales for fuel efficient cars. I wonder if this will affect the sales of Obama's new electric car... I guess that's why the government shouldn't get involved in the market.
I am still doing very good on my weight. I am should make my goal of 155 pound by tomorrow with ease. Unfortunately I will have to cut my training a little short today. My son is sick and I have to be home while my wife is at work. I am heading off to the school now to get a quick run in but I wont be able to do any Jiu-Jitsu classes. At least I still have plenty of time before the next tournament so I am not too worried. I could probably use some rest anyway. I am really looking forward to meeting with the conditioning trainer tomorrow.
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