It is no wonder the unemployment rate has been so high in the US under the Obama administration. Obama keeps paying people not to work. Since Obama took office the unemployment benefits was extended to 26 possible weeks. Now Obama and Senate Democrats have created a plan to extend unemployment benefits to up to 99 weeks. That is almost quadruple! Not only would this increase the budget by about 34 billion this year but also could be much higher over the next few years.
Man it is getting really tempting to get myself fired. I could train at Crazy 88 all day long. I wonder how good I would be at BJJ if I didn’t have to work and all I did was train all day. That would be great. Not only would I get really good at Jiu-Jitsu really fast but I could spend a lot more time with my wife and kids. We could take vacations whenever we want. If you needed more money you can always find someone to pay you under the table. Then I could take the family with me to tournaments. After 2 years you just get another job for two years and then do it again. Wow this would be like hitting the lottery… Now image everyone thought like that....
I guess after 16 months into their trillion-dollar stimulus plan they realized it didn’t help the economy. So they decided to add another 34 billion to this year's $1.4 trillion budget deficit and who knows how much in the future. Real smart…
This money could have been used to create more jobs. With more jobs you would have more people paying taxes. Instead we have less people paying taxes and the people that are working paying more and more money for those that are not working. At what point do we say enough? How much wasteful spending and over taxation will it take before we stop electing these types of politicians?
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